Web Development



A website designed as a mock "tinder for dogs" web application. Includes advanced HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap. The main focus for this project was utilizing advanced Bootstrap elements to improve the UI/UX design.



A web application designed as a to-do list for users. This is a dynamic to-do list utilizing Node, Express, Javascript, EJS, and Mongoose. This server is hosted and connected using MongoDB Atlas.



A web application designed as a newsletter sign-up landing page. The server utilizes Javascript and Node modules to communicate with the Mailchimp API and save contact information within Mailchimp.

Game Development

happy whale

A 2D game coded using C# and Unity. This game was inspired by existing games called Whale Trail and Flappy Bird.

pocket paint

A 2D Mobile game targeted for iOS devices. This endless, side-scroller is a fun and simple game utilizing C# and Unity to power it.

blob the builder

A 3D PC game coded with C# and Unity. This game is a take on the popular slither.io and enlarging games.

Leadership Workshops


taking initiative

A workshop geared towards encouraging leaders to take initiative and act independently. Clearly lays out steps towards being a better decision maker and responsible individual.


setting goals

A guide to creating attainable and effective goals. This is a visualization exercise designed to manifest goals into reality. An interactive workshop geared towards inspiring individuals.


time management

A workshop laying out the best tips to managing your time effectively. Draws out common mistakes when it comes to time management. Emphasizes the importance of prioritizing and working towards a goal.

Extra Projects

operating systems

Coding projects geared towards imitating the command line on an Operating System. Coded in C, utilizes semaphores, mutexes, and multi-threading.

programming languages

Additional programming projects geared towards practicing multiple languages. Advanced projects utilizing C, C++, Python, and Lua.

javascript web applications

Multiple web applications using VanillaJS, jQuery, Express, and Node.js. Utilizes the DOM to target specific elements and create fully functioning applications.

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